Wednesday, September 22, 2010

WHS Reunion

What a great time we had. On Friday night we had approximately 50 classmates show up for the Happy Hour @ Player's Pizza. A few of the classmates could not join us on Saturday night but were able to come on Friday. There was plenty of good food and lots of catching up to do.

On Saturday night there were 110 of us to enjoy the delicious buffet and dance to the great music from our school years. We even sang the school song.

These photos are from several of us, so enjoy the photo album and see how little time has changed us all. Here's link to the photo album: Class of '65 Photo Album. We already have 167 photos and more will be uploaded, so check back in the next few days to see the new ones.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Reunion 2010

Well, the invites are starting to arrive and as of 8/21/10 we have 50 coming to the Reunion. So, lets get the invites back as soon possible...Thanks 1965 Reunion Committee..!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

WHS 70th Anniversary Celebration

Location: West High/Middle School
Time: 1:00PM Sunday, August 22nd
Any questions please give us a call 815-332-3377 or email

Monday, June 14, 2010


The 1965 class of Rockford West High School will hold its 45th class reunion on Saturday, September 18, 2010, at the University Club, 945 North Main Street, Rockford. The evening begins with a delicious buffet, DJ and dancing and catching up with fellow classmates. Cocktails begin at 6:00 with a cash bar for your beverage choice. This will be a casual evening so come and be ready to have some fun!

We will also be having a Happy Hour on Friday, September 17, at Players Pizza Pub, 5120 Spooner Drive starting @ 6:00 PM. Appetizers will be served and there is a cash bar.

Invitations are being either emailed or mailed with the details of the reunion and hotel information for those of you traveling from out of town.

If your contact information has changed since last time, please send us an email to update your address, phone and/or email address. Send to:

Hope to see you there....